Test for 6 drugs: THC / COC / AMP / METH / OPI / BZO + Creatinine, Nitrites, Bleach, pH, and Specific Gravity (AS/NZ S4308:08 DLI) Alcohol Breathalyser AS3547 approved for 2 decimal place accuracy with a range of 0.00-0.40% BAC. (AS/NZ S4308:08 ALC)

Pre Employment Schedule of Fees
Pre-Employment Instant Drug and Alcohol Screening
Test for 6 drugs: THC / COC / AMP / METH / OPI / BZO + Creatinine, Nitrites, Bleach, pH, and Specific Gravity (AS/NZ S4308:08 DLI)
Alcohol Breathalyser AS3547 approved for 2 decimal place accuracy with a range of 0.00-0.40% BAC. (AS/NZ S4308:08 ALC)
Conducted at an Enriched Health Care location or on-site at the client’s place of work