Service Request |
Port MacquarieKempseyCoffs HarbourOther | |
1) Please Select Allied Health Professional(s) Required: | 2) Please Select Funding Source |
Accredited Exercise PhysiologistAccredited Exercise ScientistHealth Care AssistantPhysiotherapistOther: | Private PatientPrivate Health InsuranceCTPDepartment Veteran AffairsEmployerWorkCover (<em>please attach medical certificate</em>)Lifetime Care & Support - IcareWorkers CareLife InsuranceBetter StartNDISMedicareOther: |
3) Please select specific program/service (optional if known) |
Integrated Care Programs:Persistent Pain Program (WorkCover/CTP/DVA)Work Conditioning Program (WorkCover)Corporate Programs:Manual Handling Training (WorkCover and Corporate)Specific Assessments:Gait Scan Assessment & Orthotic PrescriptionMetabolism Assessments, Indirect CalorimetryPre-Employment ScreeningWorkstation Ergonomic AssessmentFunctional Capacity EvaluationWorkplace AssessmentFunctional Independent Measures (FIMS)WEEFIMSCare and Needs Assessment & ReviewCare and Needs Scale (CANS)Pediatric CANSCase ManagementClinical Gait AssessmentBike FitNeurorehabilitationVo2 MaxVo2 Sub MaxIndirect CalamityOrthotics PrescriptionWorkCover NSW (please attach medical certificate)Physiotherapy TreatmentExercise Physiology Treatment |