What is Good Posture?
- Good posture is not just important when sitting or standing. It needs to be considered at all times!
- Backs are NOT straight. We have 3 curves
- Good posture involves maintaining the following curves:
- Slight inward curve at the neck
- An outward curve between the shoulder blades
- An inward curve in the lower back
- Do you ever find yourself working in a bad postural position?
- Do you ever find yourself working in a bad postural position?
Risks to the body with heavy weight
- As we age, your discs become less spongy and they narrow
- Most common injuries are small tears
- Young people develop acute tears, whereas older people develop disc degeneration
- Muscles are overstretched during unexpected load bearing, or exertion with poor posture and the muscle becomes strained
- Muscular spasms occur when the nerve supplying the muscle is irritated
- They become overstretched causing instability at the joint
- They can become under stretched which reduces movement
Factors affecting Safe Manual Handling
- Intensity of work
e.g., 100% maximum muscle strength is possible for a maximum of 6 seconds, 75% at 21 secs, 50% at 60 secs, 25% at 3.5 mins, 15% at >4 mins
- Repetition of the work
- Muscle size (small muscles fatigue quicker)
- Boredom (reduces concentration & increases fatigue)
- Fitness (Flexibility, strength and stamina)
- Duration and Frequency